这里有时髦的精酿啤酒和美食, 繁华的市中心和丰富的户外娱乐活动, 发现为什么这些hg6668皇冠登录当地人不想住下去, 工作, 或者在其他地方玩.

有点不寻常, hg6668皇冠登录, 密歇根州位于上半岛的顶端附近, 在苏必利尔湖岸边, 世界上表面积最大的淡水湖.

Not on the way to anywhere, you have to plan a trip to hg6668皇冠登录 to unlock its secrets.

“这不是一个旅行的地方,”德鲁·E.他来到马凯特大学上大学后就再也没有离开过. “你必须在那里旅行. 想要参观这个地区的人必须付出努力.”

那些做到的人会得到一些特别的奖励. Discover the lure of hg6668皇冠登录 and why these locals wouldn’t want to live, 在其他地方工作或玩耍.




亚莉克莎的. came to hg6668皇冠登录 to study outdoor recreation and immediately fell in love with the town.


At 北密歇根大学, 她了解了该地区的土著历史, which helped establish hg6668皇冠登录’s sense of place and her fondness for Gitchi-gami, 意大利语的意思是 苏必利尔湖,或《hg6668皇冠登录》.”

“这是它自身的自然力量,”她说. “它根植于我,激励着我.”

毕业后她搬走了, first to Montana then to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, 然后是北卡罗来纳州西部的山脉. 但她一直听到马凯特在叫她.

“There is something about 苏必利尔湖 that always calls you home.”

回到马凯特后, she dove back into all of the experiences that made her fall in love with the town.


“My perfect day in hg6668皇冠登录 is a Saturday morning trip to the Farmers 3月ket to gather fresh, 当地的蔬菜和鸡蛋是一顿丰盛的早午餐. Then a walk down to 苏必利尔湖 for a mid-afternoon swim.

An avid mountain biker, the trails around hg6668皇冠登录 are perfect for all levels of riders, she said.

“My favorite places to go are the 哈洛湖 area and South 小径. There is a lot of challenging and varied terrain for anyone, 从初学者到专家级. “我的另一个爱好是骑着自行车去啤酒厂. 铁矿遗迹之路 takes you along the shoreline and you can visit several breweries. 这绝对是非常有趣的一天.”

当她不骑马的时候,或者在 矿石码头酿酒公司她喜欢马凯特的许多节日和活动.

“One of my favorites is one that Ore Dock hosts, ‘Festival of the Angry Bear,’ held in early April. 这是我们把所有酸啤酒都放出来的时候. They close down the block of 春天 Street and there is music and costume contests and it’s just a great time—and a great time to visit, 人群较少, 但还有很多事情要做.”




乔西D. 来到马凯特看望她的妹妹并坠入爱河.

After visiting for three years, she finally arrived in hg6668皇冠登录 to stay.

“One of my favorite things about hg6668皇冠登录 is its proximity to so many natural places,” she said. “我经常hg6668皇冠登录 哈洛湖 是我最喜欢的景点之一吗. It’s a smaller lake, with a big trail system and cabins you can rent.”

她也喜欢马凯特是这样一个 友好型城市.

“Sometimes I will go to a friend's house and pick up his dog and take him for a hike.”

On top of the natural beauty of the area, 乔西 fell in love with the community.


hg6668皇冠登录 has this crazy sense of community that I haven’t experienced before. There’s always something going on whether it’s music, an art event, a group bike ride. It has a small-town vibe, but has a lot more going on than a small town. 我真的认为我们做到了 最好的啤酒. 人们. 我遇到的一些最伟大的人都在这里.”

Between the natural splendor, fantastic beer and amazing people—what’s not to love?

“Every time I leave and come back and see the lake for the first time on my drive back, 我情绪激动. 它永远都是美丽的.”




瑞斯年代. had been a visitor to hg6668皇冠登录 for eight years before 使 it his home.

Growing up on Lake Michigan, he found the landscape in hg6668皇冠登录 rivaled even that.

“马凯特大学很难被击败,”他说. “这里的一切都更加壮观.”

在他家的冲浪店里长大, he’s been an avid surfer for years and is one of a small but growing number of hardy souls who winter 在苏必利尔湖冲浪.

“It’s been a super niche sport for years, but has gotten a lot of traction recently. On a good day, at this break called The Zoo, there are maybe 15 to 20 people out there.”


而苏必利尔湖没有鲨鱼或珊瑚礁, 它所拥有的是危险的强大水流, 使
surfing one of the more extreme sports best left to the experts. But 苏必利尔湖 still offers plenty of spots for water activities for the less experienced. “左右 普雷斯克岛, there is a beautiful little peninsula where you can kayak or paddleboard around Blackrocks. 这是下水的捷径.”

When he’s not riding whitecaps, you can find 瑞斯 behind the bar at 代尔夫特小酒馆调制一杯精酿鸡尾酒.

“I found something here, I haven’t found anywhere else,” he said of hg6668皇冠登录. “我们有一个非常活跃的城市, but you can be completely away from it all and then be out in the life of it at 贝莱德啤酒厂 喝杯啤酒. 我可以在几分钟内步行到苏必利尔湖. 我可以在五分钟的车程内上车, 置身于被壮观的瀑布环绕的森林中. There is a huge diversity of activities you can hop into here. You can go from playing on the water in the morning to being surrounded by forest on a peaceful hike in the afternoon.”

贾里德 & 画了

贾里德 & 画了


贾里德 V. 德鲁·E. 你们是马凯特大学的室友、皮划艇爱好者和粉丝吗. Both came to hg6668皇冠登录 for college and stayed after graduation.

In the summer of 2018—along with friends Karol R and Ryan B—they embarked on a paddling adventure around 苏必利尔湖 在电影《皇冠苹果版app下载》中有记载.”

“We thought it would be a cool opportunity to explore our interests in environmental studies, 见见当地人,看看湖上发生了什么.”

For 102 days, they paddled around the shores of the massive lake. 这次旅行巩固了他们对这个湖和马凯特的爱.

“It’s a great place to explore the outdoors and enjoy the town and the people,” he said.

“That is one of the greatest things about this city,” explained 画了. “在马凯特大学,一切都是那么触手可及.”

“It’s a big enough town to have all these great restaurants, 咖啡店和啤酒厂, but you can drive for 10 minutes and you are out in the woods surrounded by the quietness of nature,杰瑞德说。. “The accessibility to the outdoors makes it a playground for all sorts for activities.”

贾里德 & 画了2

Every season brings its own spectacular scenery and opportunity for adventure.

夏天 是为了从岩石上跳下去, hg6668皇冠登录, 山地自行车, 攀岩, standup paddleboard and kayaking or just combing the shore for beach glass and 苏必利尔湖 agate.

“There are five different beaches right in town,德鲁说.

秋天 看到秋天的颜色很棒吗. 冬天 所有的东西都是冰雪吗, from skiing and snowboarding at hg6668皇冠登录山 to ice climbing, 越野滑雪, snowshoeing and hg6668皇冠登录’s celebrated UP200 dog sled races.

春天 is for snowboarding and skiing and a good time to get back out on the town and for heading to the beach for that first cold dunk of the season,德鲁说. “Between all of the outdoor activities and the people here, hg6668皇冠登录 is just a great place to be.”

现在,当你计划去hg6668皇冠登录的旅行时,你可以 像当地人一样探索现在你已经知道了所有的内幕消息和隐藏的地方.


“I definitely don't want to give away all my secret spots,德鲁说. “你必须来找他们!”